Reframe360 allows you to define up to 20 cameras upfront, and then simply animate between them with a fader. Feel like a DJ. But with cameras instead of discs!

Insta 360 desktop software

When importing 360 videos into Studio, just drag and drop any file, and Studio will automatically search for the corresponding file. If the file name has been modified, or one of the two files is missing in the folder, Studio will ignore the 360 video. Download Insta360 ONE R for iOS to the Insta360 ONE R app A full editing room to accompany your ONE R. ONE R transforms from a dual-lens 360.

GPU Accelerated
Reframe360 uses NVIDIA® CUDA® and OpenCL™. AS 360 degree footage is often bigger than 4K, we take full advantage of your GPU power.

1.1 How to Preview 360° videos Open Studio and drag insv files into studio, Click “Preview”at the the top to play them. In the View window, you can preview different perspectives such as Tiny Planets, Fisheye, CrystalBalls, Natural View and Flat. ‎The Insta360 ONE X app – A full editing room to accompany your ONE X. All in your pocket. With our app, you don’t have to point your camera anymore. The ONE X shoots in every direction at once, then you choose the best parts of your shot and create cinematic edits with the app. Try dropping points.


Reframe360 is compatible with both Adobe® Premiere® Pro and After Effects, as well as DaVinci Resolve as an OpenFX Plugin.

Windows & macOS

Reframe360 is available for Windows (CUDA® & OpenCL™) as well as for macOS (OpenCL™ only).

Insta 360 One R

Output in 4K and more

The Performance of a modern GPU is easilly sufficient for 4K In/Output. On our mobile 8GB GTX 1070 even 8K was processing without problems (although slow).


Insta 360 Studio 2020 Download

Automatic Animation Smoothing

Reframe360 has a parameter that enables you to uniformly choose the curve shape of your transitions with a single slider.

Motion Blur
Reframe360 can eliminate distracting stuttering effects that occur on quick panning transitions by applying a very organic motion blur with arbitrary shutter angle.

The development of Reframe 360 has unfortunately been stopped due to time reasons. It has been open-sourced though, so if you are a developer, feel free to get the code here: and here:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to use the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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